Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Angels Aware

The addition to a new family is always exciting.  Whether it's a newborn child, a pet or even a new person that might be added to your family through marriage or something like that.  Big families are always fun.  I love it when my family gets together for dinner, or to play games, or just to hang out with each other.  I love it because I usually bring along Ben, my almost 3 year old mini-schnauzer.  Ben is really an important member of the family.  He gets along with everyone and never argues, but is always there to comfort you when things might not be going your way.

Here at OLA, we are like one big happy throng of Angels. and we are always happy when someone new joins us.  This year, we have several new students and teachers that have joined us at OLA, but we are anticipating a new angel joining us any day now.  How should we prepare?  What should we do?  What did the prophets do when they found out God was sending his only Son to earth to save us from our sins?  More importantly, what did they do when they found out that God was sending a BABY?  A person like us, to live among us.  

These are questions that will be answered in our Christmas Program this year.  How should we prepare for a new Angel that will be joining us soon.  But we won't forget that it's almost time to prepare for Christmas also.  Maybe we can do both things at the same time.  What will the new Angel need?  What will Jesus need?  

We will begin to explore these questions next week as we begin to prepare for our Christmas program.  Always something to look forward to.

Today, K-5 watched an episode of "The Muppet Show" ask your K-5 student who they got to see as the "special guest star".  Do you remember watching "The Muppet Show" - who was your favorite special guest?

--Mr. Mattei 

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